วันเสาร์ที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555


opening hours
Monday 8.30am - 6pm
Tuesday - Friday 8.30am - 8pm
Saturday 9am - 5.30pm 


café info

"If Jade Jagger was a cafe, this is precisely the kind of cafe she would be." Emily Hourican Image Magazine

cup and  cakesOur leafy courtyard is an oasis of calm in a busy area of the city, it stretches from Camden Street to Pleasants Place. It is the perfect place to relax with a savoury tart and a glass of wine selected from The Cake Café’s carefully chosen wine list.
Monday 8.30am - 6pm (Baking or cookery evening after 6pm)

Tuesday - Friday 8.30am - 8pm

Saturday 9am - 6pm
Why not drop by on your way home from work for a glass of Prosecco in the courtyard or for a sneaky cupcake or two?
Call us during the week with your Saturday cake orders and we will have that sugar dusted sponge or the cute little cup cakes boxed up and ready for you to take away.

chick cookie 

